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Orangize Your Packing and Be Ready to go this Spring Break!

Spring break is already here for some and approaching for others. Plus, summer is coming up fast. Packing for trips can be dreaded if you aren't organized. It doesn't have to look like this.

We've all been here. Throwing things into suitcases and already dreading the idea of vacation. Don't let this happen to you again!

Seriously, gone are the days of piles of clothes shoved into a suitcase. I know there are many different ways that you could approach packing. No matter how you do it, packing will be less dreaded if you are smart about organizing your packing days. Yes, there is even an organizing solution to packing; and yes, I said "packing dayS" (more than one)!

It is no secret that I heart traveling and I heart organization, so packing for a trip makes me get a little excited. {I know, many of you are rolling your eyes right now.} I like to break up packing into three days. It makes it less overwhelming. Plus, I find I forget less as I have time to think about what I have packed and be reminded of what I may still need.

On Day One of my packing organization, I make a list for each person and categorize where they will need clothing. I call this my Clothing List. For our upcoming trip, I have broken down sections into my two boys (M & B) and myself. {Note: TravelMan is left on his own to have to pack his things.} As you can see in this photo, I have started with our arrival on Thursday into clothing needed for Thursday PM, Friday AM, Friday after pool, Friday PM, etc...

Making Clothing List helps me really think about what each person is going to need for each “event” of the day. You will notice that the categories for each person are not the same. For example, on Friday, I plan on working out at some point. Therefore, I needed a section called Workout Clothes - Friday. However, my children do not need this category. Another advantage to creating this list on Day One of the process is that I can see what I need to wash or iron prior to packing. Additionally, if it is questionable that anything will or will not fit, it gives me time to try it on (both on me or my kids as the case might be) and not be in a panic right before leaving. This certainly makes it less overwhelming than trying to wash, iron, plan, and pack all on the same day. After I finish the list, I usually will start a load of laundry if needed. Day One *done*! Take a breath! You're going to get this finish, no sweat!

On Day Two of my packing organization, I try to start by finishing a second and/or third load of laundry. Then, I move on to my boys' Clothing List. I set out a suitcase for each of them right outside their bedroom, and I begin working through the list. It is a few hours of washing, ironing (yes, I'm old school and still iron everything), folding, and packing. Yet, it's pretty simple to do since I have the list of what I'm packing complete from Day One. I also start on my own suitcase on Day Two. I get pretty close to finish there. In a perfect world, I would be finished with myself. Yet, in reality, my suitcase sometimes rolls over to Day Three. {This really depends on how much laundry I've had to tackle.}

I heart this process as I am not packing all day long. It's a few hours, sometimes less. And the rest of the day is still mine. Vacations are supposed to be relaxing. I feel the preparation for the vacation should not be stressful either. Just a little organization and you.are.there! Day Two *done*! Almost finished. I promise, it hasn't been too painful.

On Day Three, I finish packing myself and work through my Essentials List. This list is full of items that I will pack that are not clothing related. Since we travel so much, I basically have this list memorized of what I need. But I am also notorious for running out to the store the day before we leave, so if anything on the list is missing, I can pick it up then. I pack a separate bag for most of this stuff. Here is a photo of my trusty Mickey bag that has turned into my Essentials Bag for almost every trip. I'm getting ready to fill it.

This Essentials List of mine is certainly not comprehensive for every family. So add to it as you see fit.


Can you tell I heart lists? {wink} Day Three *done*! And guess are ready for your trip. Get a great night's sleep and you'll be prepared to start your fun tomorrow.

Packing doesn't have to be the dreaded task of starting a trip. Plan it right and you'll find packing to be a breeze! Just a little organization...and who doesn't love a little organization?

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