I grew up in Florida and the recent tragedy in Orlando has worn on my heart today. We were called to love, not hate. One Jesus' commandments was to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. Where have we lost sight in this? Hate isn't a way to solve any issue you may have. I will never understand. And I'm reminded more often how ever grateful I am for a Savior. Our world needs saving...and from someone who loves and gives peace.
Of course, America is amazing and things from blood bank donations to GoFundMe accounts have been made as people rally around this tragedy. Isn't it great to see good come out of tragedy?! These are the blessings we hope to instill in our kids. And the blessings that are good to talk about in your home during a time of tragedy.
If you are able in the next few days, please research the way you can help by giving blood. Even if your area isn't able to get blood to Orlando, it's a good reminder that someone in YOUR area is in need of blood. Giving blood is a free gifts you can give to someone - it can literally save their life...and it takes such a little amount of your time.
There is an Orlando Magic spin off shirt that has been created to help the victims' families. Click {HERE} you want to help support their message: The world is "Together" in its support of Orlando and the victims of the shooting. The shirts are $25/each and the proceeds go the victims' families.
There are many ways to help. Feel free to post a comment and share a way as so many feel helpless but want to reach out where they can. Keep all of these families in your prayers. And treat others with kindness.