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2016 Summer Bucket List


Does your family have special things they like to do in the summer? What about a bucket list for those moments when you hear, "I'm bored?" Let's face it, sometimes when I hear that *bored* statement, I know it is my kids' own fault. But there are other times I hear that *bored* statement, and I have to agree that our days have been filled with appointments and schedules, not summer-minded things. And when I hear the *bored* statement after appointment/scheduled days, I tell my kids, "Let's figure out what we could do from the bucket list."

Our boys LOVE to have a good water balloon fight, so that's a quick "GO TO" for me when I hear "I'm bored." When I first saw BunchOBalloons I will admit that I thought SCAM! Yet, I am here to tell you, they are the greatest and easiest water balloons I have ever run across! I try to keep a pack on-hand at all times. Water balloons are a great summer activity! The best part of these balloons is that the boys can do ALL of it -- including the tying (as the balloons self tie) all by themselves!

Here is our 2016 Bucket List:

There are big things like a trip to Vegas & Water World (a local water park here in Denver). There are smaller things like playing in the water at Central Park & making Jello. We've already gotten to mark off a few items. Yet, big or small, all of these things help fill the days of summer; more importantly, they make memories! When I think of B already being in the double digits of age, I am quickly reminded that I only have 8 more summers with him until he leaves for college. Then my heart hurts, my mind gets foggy, and I want to crawl into bed and stop time. It's in these moments, that I know I need to make as much of our summer and memory making as I can.

Speaking of memories, I recently saw a photo of a friend's little girl holding an ice cream cone cupcake. I have fond memories of my mom making these for me. And a particular memory of our church group going down to Friendship Park (in Jacksonville) for a picnic lunch where my mom brought these to celebrate my summer birthday. As I reflected on this happy time, it occurred to me that I have never made these treats for my boys. It is something on our Summer Bucket List. They are easy. Here is a recipe for you to use with your family. Enjoy!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes 1 box cake mix (your flavor choice)

ingredients called for on the box mix (usually water, oil, and eggs)

24 flat-bottom ice cream cones

1 container frosting (any flavor)

Sprinkles (if desired)

  • Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pans).

  • Make batter as instructed on the box.

  • Place ice cream cones standing up in muffin tins or on cookie sheet and fill each 1/2 full with batter.

  • Bake approximately 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in cake comes out clean. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.

  • Generously frost cake with frosting, and decorate as desired. Store loosely covered.

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