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A Child's Voice


B is such a happy child. He walks around the house singing & loves to sing in the car as well. It is difficult to get a video of him because he wants to look through the view finder instead of being in front of the camera. But here are some videos of him singing Jesus Loves Me. He is playing with a car in these videos so his hands are occupied...but he usually signs the song as well. In the first video, you can see him signing the word "Yes." (This is my first attempt at uploading video.)

We'll see how it goes.

Jesus Loves Me - Take 1 (B stops singing b/c he wants to look through the view finder of the camera)

Jesus Loves Me - Take 2 (On this video, you'll see B saying "cheese" for the camera and you'll see that he starts whisper singing. These are things I see him do all the time. You're blessed you get to see it all in one video. SMILES!)

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