February 1st was a day that rocked me. I had a call that my dad was being taken to the ER due to his right hand not "working". It was a day that could have been filled with fear, a feeling of loneliness, or distress. Instead, I was at peace. Before I stepped into the ER, I had already talked to a few friends as I was trying to get the afternoon for my kids situated. Those people stopped what they were doing and went to take care of things for my kids...providing them lunch, childcare and more. Those people started praying for me. I emailed a group of girlfriends and texted some others. Messages of prayer were pouring in. That night, Dad was put in ICU. Messages continued to pour in. People wanting to know if they could help with the kids, provide meals, grocery shop for me, go to the house so Lou could meet me at the hospital...Offer after offer, they were pouring in. Everyday the support was amazing. People showing up to hug us in the hospital, bring us meals, take my kids. Generosity was pouring in. At the one week mark, the messages hadn't stopped. The offers hadn't stopped. The generosity hadn't stopped. The prayers hadn't stopped. We're on day 9 and to be truthful, I'm exhausted. The haul of the regular day plus spending large parts of the day in the hospital with Dad are starting to wear. But I still have text messages asking what I need. Encouraging emails popping up throughout the day, cards in the mail, baskets of food being delivered, offers for child care. It has been tremendous. Honestly, people may never know what an email that simply says, "Thinking of you" can do for a person's boost in the day. Have you ever heard the saying, "Man, I've Got Your Back" or what about, "When times get rough, you'll know who your real friends are"???? Well, the last week had a huge blessing in the midst of this difficult trial. When I stand with the unknown in front of me and my focus has to be on my dad, I turned around and there was a wall, a wall of friends supporting me. A wall of friends standing shoulder to shoulder making sure everything was taken care of so that I could focus on my dad. Praise God that these people had my back. Praise God that these people didn't run when times got rough. Praise God (insert laugh) they still answer the phone when they see my number pop up because chances are, I'm not calling to talk about their day. I'm calling for a favor (mainly for my kids to be taken care of). We have a long recovery ahead of us with Dad. But I know I don't have to go through it alone. I have an army of friends...real friends...standing shoulder to shoulder with me. Ready to help me take on this season of my life. To those of you who have been there for me -- THANK YOU. Words will never seem like enough to tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me and my family! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.