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#tipTuesday - Quick Grab

Many jobs require employees to wear a name tag or an ID badge and even if yours doesn't, you could still wear a lanyard to help with today's #tipTuesday.

If you have a paper that you need readily available throughout the day, reduce its size on a copy machine. Then punch a hole in it and attach to your lanyard. I used a hinged book ring such as the ones found {HERE} to attach the papers to my lanyard. It's a QUICK GRAB to something you may need throughout the day!

As a teacher, I was asked to "catch" students doing good things. If this happened, I was supposed to give them a card to fill out and put into the school's character drawing each week. I quickly realized that if I didn't have the cards on me, then this didn't happen. Even my own children would tell me that their teachers would forget to hand these cards out. This trick worked well for me and some of my colleagues. We were able to have access to cards to immediately hand to students.

But it's not just for teachers! The other day my husband and I were at a mattress store. The sales person couldn't find the information card for us to fill out. It was no larger than a half sheet of paper. I was thinking, he should fold these, hole punch them, and put them on a lanyard. Then he would always have them.

Such an easy idea to make a big difference in your day to day. What would you wish you could easily put your hands on throughout the day? Reduce it and clip it onto your lanyard.

You'll notice in this photo, I also attached a pen to my lanyard. Then everyday I was ready for whatever I needed to fill out.

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